October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month; established to increase the awareness of the positive outcomes of hiring persons with disabilities in Canada. This year too wrap up a successful... read more →
COMPUTER-savvy autistic people have been hired by the Abbott Government to help find bugs in departmental computer software. Seizing on autistic people’s attention to detail and in a bid to... read more →
September 2015 - The second annual Disability Employment Month. Throughout September, Social Development and Social Innovation Minister Michelle Stilwell, along with Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility Linda Larson and partners... read more →
Sept is Disability Employment Month in BC! As an inclusive employer ourself, BACI is excited to celebrate other inclusive organizations and businesses during Disability Employment Month in BC! We want to take... read more →
How does someone who dreams of a desk job become one of the best donut icers in town? Not everyone can ice the donuts at Tim Hortons. There is as... read more →